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Job Base(s): Mage
Job Type: 2-2
Race: Human
Changes At: Geffen
Number of Skills: 20
Total Skill Points: 116
Total Quest Skills: 2
Job Bonuses
+5 +5 +3 +9 +5 +3



Sages are a PvP-oriented class with the role of caster/anti-Mage. They do not have the offensive abilities of a Wizard, but are a slightly buffed version of Mage with their Free Casting. Sages shine in their defensive abilities, with many builds centered around Land Protector. Dispell is also a popular and sought-after spell which is useful for removing buffs from the enemy. Many of their skills can only realistically be used in PvP, making PvM quite difficult, particularly for VIT/DEX builds that have difficulty solo leveling. Battle sages are a 'for fun' build which can become a powerful leveling build with the recent buffs to Auto Spell and the right gear.

Job Change Guide

See Sage Job Change Guide for detailed information.

Changing into a Sage from a Mage requires the player to complete a number of tasks:

  • Item Collection
  • Written Test
  • Battle Test
  • Thesis Composition

After completing these tests, the player will be transformed into a Sage. This takes place in Geffen.

Endow Skill Elemental Points

A Sage's endow skills use Points. For example, Lightning Loader uses a Yellow Wish Point. Points can be purchased from the Elemental Points NPC in Geffen that is found in two different locations: to the right of the fountain

, and also on one of the lower floors of the Geffen Tower .

Class Data


See Mage Skills for first class skills.

Cast Cancel.png Cast Cancel
Deluge.png Deluge
Dispell.png Dispell
Endow Blaze.png Flame Launcher
Endow Quake.png Seismic Weapon
Endow Tornado.png Lightning Loader
Endow Tsunami.png Frost Weapon
Free Cast.png Free Cast
Heaven's Drive.png Heaven's Drive
Hindsight.png Auto Spell
Hocus-pocus.png Abracadabra
Magic Rod.png Magic Rod
Magnetic Earth.png Land Protector
Sense.png Sense
Spell Breaker.png Spell Breaker
Study.png Advanced Book
Volcano.png Volcano
Whirlwind.png Violent Gale

Quest Skills

Skill Job Level
Create Elemental Converter.png Create Elemental Converter
None Create Elemental Converter Quest
Elemental Change.png Elemental Change
40 Elemental Change Quest

Job Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
STR 42 44 46 47 48
AGI 3 6 13 22 33
VIT 4 11 18
INT 1 8 15 24 30 37 38 45 50
DEX 20 25 27 32 39
LUK 17 35 40


Equip Attack Speed From Mage
Bare Handed 151 +5
Shield -3 +7
Dagger -8 −8
Rod (One Handed) -10 −5
Rod (Two Handed) -10 −5
Book +2 N/A
ASPD Potions Usable
645.png Concentration
656.png Awakening
657.png Berserk