Eden Group

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The Eden Group is an ostensibly 'secret' organization which offers players a variety of quests in return for experience. Taking part in the Eden Group quests, while optional, is extremely beneficial. Early on, the quests help you explore the world and level up much more quickly; at higher levels, the repeatable experience quests allow for a small experience boost.

Eden teleporter.png

To access the Eden Group Headquarters, simply speak to an Eden Teleport Officer (they are white-haired Novice-esque females wearing green). They can be found near most Kafra and 1st class job change NPCs. Exiting the Eden Group afterward will normally return you to a location near the Eden Teleport Officer you spoke to.

Join the Group

  1. Talk to Secretary Lime Evenor to register and select Join the Eden Group. She will give you the following item:

Leveling Quests

Talk to Logistics Manager

to access item gathering quests you can repeat every hour. Every quest is repeatable every hour and requires 30 of the item.

Level 1-30

Level Item Base EXP
1+ Feather 25 000
10+ Sticky Mucus 27 000
15+ Grasshopper's Leg 29 000
20+ Snail's Shell 25 010
25+ Bill of Birds 48 600
30+ Bear's Footskin 54 000

Level 35-55

Level Item Base EXP
35+ Trunk 69 900
40+ Yoyo Tail 81 000
45+ Lantern 99 900
50+ Conch 110 700
55+ Heart of Mermaid 142 800

Level 60-80

Level Item Base EXP
60+ Mane 171 900
65+ Black Hair 178 200
70+ Horseshoe 190 000
75+ Bug Leg 205 000
80+ Broken Sword 220 000

Level 85-95

Level Item Base EXP
85+ Needle of Alarm 400 000
90+ Turtle Shell 450 000
93+ Little Evil Horn 625 000
95+ Skull 875 000