Leveling Spots/Old

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Note: this article is outdated. Please visit Leveling Spots for the current article.

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Acolyte Classes


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Novice Training Grounds 1 10 Auto Attack Everything Smash things. It is EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED that you do the NPC's quests.
Payon Forest 02

Payon Forest 08

10 20 Auto Attack Spore If partied with a class specializing in VIT, (preferably a Swordsman class), use them to lure and tank spores. Otherwise, try to find someone willing to help initiate and tank damage as to keep the monsters attention off of you.

Solo : Use the given Novice Red Potions to heal yourself and kill Spore by auto-attacking.

Payon Cave 1 10 35 Heal

Auto Attack



Even low levels of Heal can knock large chunks of HP off Zombies and Skeletons on this map. SP cards (Roda Frog, Willow, Carat) are suggested here. Teleport from Familiar until you can kill them out with your mace; they hit very hard and fast.
Payon Forest 04 20 40 Auto Attack, Party with a group and help out with Blessing and Increase AGI Poporing


If partied with a class specializing in VIT, (preferably a Swordsman class), use them to tank poporings. Otherwise, try to find someone willing to help initiate and tank damage as to keep the monsters attention off of you. Focus on Poporings until level 27 before moving onto Marins for maximum XP. Beware of the occasional Ghostring, Angeling or Deviling.
Payon Cave 2 40 50 Heal, Party with a group and help out with Blessing and Increase AGI Archer Skeleton

Soldier Skeleton

Solo or party with a Priest for extra support. For Acolytes with higher INT, Heal-bombing the undead monsters is a fairly quick method of gaining experience.
Beach Dungeon 3 45 55 Heal

Holy Light

Megalodon Head east from Comodo to find lots of Megalodons. Teleport from Nereid and Hydra. Hydras can be killed with Holy Light at higher levels.
Sograt Desert 17 50 Job Change Heal, Party with a group and help out with Blessing and Increase AGI Hode Solo or party with a Priest for support or a VIT-based character to tank. Hodes do not change target, but they hit fairly hard so it is best to have a tank. Be careful of Sandmen and Drillers which hide before attacking. And be aware of the MVP, Phreeoni.


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Sphinx 01

Sphinx 02

60 70 Heal

Turn Undead



Unfortunately, at this point, there is not much choice for Priests other than to either party and share XP or Holy Light everything to death, which can be painful without a Phen/Bloody Butterfly carded accessory and low DEX. Solo (and use Holy Light) or party with an Archer or Swordsman class.
Glast Heim St. Abbey 70 80 Heal

Turn Undead

Everything Solo. Heal bomb everything in your path except for Mimics. Holy Light the Mimics to death. Avoid large mobs as best as you can. Fabrics are plentiful from Wraiths and can be sold for a decent price on the market. Use Resurrection, Sanctuary or Turn Undead for crowd control if swarming occurs.
Glast Heim Churchyard 83 99 Heal

Turn Undead

Dark Priest Solo and Heal bomb. Unless you have high HP/SP to consistently keep Heal bombing, it is recommended to use the Rosary/Spiritual Ring equip combination. Watch for small mobs and Dark Lord. Use Sanctuary on mobs at your own discretion. Priests with Turn Undead should use that skill for a low chance to instantly kill them. Priests might also want to use Resurrection, which functions like Turn Undead against Dark Priests, for crowd control.

High Priest

Arch Bishop


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Glast Heim St. Abbey 67 80 Auto Attack, Raging Thrust, Raging Trifecta Blow Wraith

Evil Druid

Party with a Priest for support or solo. Divine Protection and Demon Bane give a natural, passive boost to both defense and ATK; utilize this. Use Holy Light on any annoying Mimics you are sure to come across.
Kunlun Dungeon 1 80 90 Auto Attack, Raging Thrust, Raging Trifecta Blow Everything While the experience given in this dungeon is not spectacular, the drops are decent and sell fairly well. Party with a Priest for support. Watch out for mobs of Bloody Butterflies and Enchanted Peach Trees.
Glast Heim Churchyard 88 99 Auto Attack, Raging Thrust, Raging Trifecta Blow Dark Priest Solo or party with a Priest for extra support. Divine Protection and Demon Bane are a godsend here with the passive boost in defense and attack. Be careful of being swarmed and be careful of the MVP, Dark Lord.



Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
The Plain of Ida 100 107~110 Sky Blow Roween Round Buckler with Orc Warrior Card, Carga Mace with Hunter Fly Card. Walk around the map, gathering a group of monsters and use spam Sky Blow. To expedite the process, you can use Sky Blow around the walls of the map.
Audhumbla Grassland 110 115 Sky Blow, Windmill Desert Wolf Round Buckler with Orc Warrior Card, Carga Mace with Hunter Fly Card. Walk around the map, gathering a group of monsters and use Windmill then spam Sky Blow. To expedite the process, you can use Sky Blow around the walls of the map. Riderword Hat recommended and high VIT.

Archer Classes


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Novice Training Grounds 1 10 Auto Attack Everything Smash things. It is EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED that you do the NPC's quests.
Geffen Field 04 6 20 Auto Attack, Double Strafe Mandragora Mandragoras are immobile. Shoot them from as far away as you can to gain XP fast. It's recommended to put skill points in Vulture's Eye as soon as possible to gain maximum range. At lower levels, stems drop at almost a 100% rate, and you can sell these on the market for a decent price.
Payon Forest 04 20 30 Auto Attack, Double Strafe Poporing


If partied with a VIT-based class, (preferably a Swordsman class), use them to tank Poporings. Otherwise, try to find someone willing to keep the monsters attention off of you. If at this point you are using a bow, it is recommended that you switch to a melee weapon. Unless you don't mind paying for the arrows, as the monsters on this map do not switch targets. Beware of the occasional Ghostring, Angeling and Deviling.
Toy Factory 2 30 40 Auto Attack, Double Strafe, Improve Concentration Everything Solo or party with a Priest for support. If possible, you can also try to find a Hunter who will be willing to trap the Myst Cases for you. Double Strafe any Cruisers you will come across as they too have ranged attacks. Myst Cases also drop pieces of cake, which sell for a fair price and are also needed for various headgears. Watch out for a single baby Hatii, and the MVP, Stormy Knight.
Payon Forest 10 40 55 Auto Attack, Double Strafe, Improve Concentration Greatest General Greatest Generals are immobile, though they do have several ranged magic attacks to watch out for. Kill them from range for easy XP.
Payon Cave 3 50 60 Auto Attack, Double Strafe, Improve Concentration Everything Bongun and Munak are the main focus of experience. Solo or party with a Priest or Acolyte for support. Be careful of mobs which lurk around the dungeon, but especially around the area with water. Arrow Shower the Hydras if you'd like, though be sure to stay well away from them.
Payon Cave 4 54 Job Change Auto Attack, Double Strafe, Improve Concentration Sohee The Sohee's spawn rate is fantastic, they are not only passive, but also drop very good items. Watch out for several Nine Tails around the map. They run extremely fast, so flywing out of their way immediately.


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Morroc Field 16 51 61 Claymore Trap Sandman Get Claymore Trap as soon as possible. Mob Sandmen and lure them onto traps to gain large amounts of XP.
Mt. Mjolnir 03 60 66 Claymore Trap Driller

Mantis Sidewinder

See above. Alternately, use Ankle Snare and shoot them from far away. Flywings are recommended for mobs. Wind Walker (if sniper) or Increase AGI is highly recommended as the monsters move quickly.
Juno Field 06 66 81 Claymore Trap Sleeper Set a Claymore Trap and let them run into it. You will get ample Great Natures leveling this way. This means you will be set on stone arrows for life!
Veins Field 07 85 99 Ankle Snare Stapo

Drosera Muscipular

Leveling here brings good XP, the Genetic class supplies (to sell or keep), and even a chance at finding a nice drosera card. This is not as fast as mobbing swarms of monsters however.
Ice Dungeon 01 85 99 Ankle Snare Siroma Siromas are good EXP and are also passive in nature. Ankle Snare and shoot at them to avoid taking damage at all. Be extremely careful of the several Gazetis floating around on this map. Getting to this dungeon from the airship is also extremely dangerous as you walk through several mobby maps with high level monsters. Flywings are recommended to get to the front of the dungeon; or try to get a warp from a Priest.
Glast Heim Churchyard 88 99 Ankle Snare Dark Priest Solo or party with a Priest. Bring plenty of silver or fire arrows to deal maximum damage. Fire arrows are much easier to aquire, they can be purchased at several item shops. Using Ankle Snare is also recommended to avoid taking too much damage. Avoid swarms of Dark Priests; three or more are usually deadly. Beware of the MVP, Dark Lord.




Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Beach Dungeon 3 Job Change 55 Double Strafe

Arrow Shower


Thara Frog Megalodon

Head east from Comodo and bring Wind Arrows for Hydras and Thara Frogs; and Silver Arrows for Megalodons. Arrow Shower can be used sparingly for large groups of Hydras, or just Double Strafe. Fly Wing or Teleport from Nereid. This map is conveniently close to the Dancer job change.
Payon Cave 4 Job Change 70 Auto Attack, Double Strafe, Improve Concentration Sohee Sohee's spawn rate is fantastic, they are not only passive, but also drop very good items. Bring Wind Arrows if you have them. or Watch out for several Nine Tails around the map. They run extremely fast, so flywing out of their way immediately.
Border Checkpoint

Juno Field 11

65 85 Auto Attack

Double Strafe



Geographers are immobile and spawn in large numbers on these maps. Bring Fire Arrows, which are also useful for Mantises that spawn on Yuno Field 12. Yuno Field 11 is often less populated and has no Mantises, but is also much larger and has fewer Geographers. If you bring Crystal Arrows and have good gear, you also hunt Goats on Yuno Field 11.
Einbroch Field 9 75 85 Double Strafe Porcellio


Porcellio is the main focus in this map. Be careful when you attack Metalings, they can divest your weapon and use reflect damage. Spawn rates can be low, however, potentially making other maps more desirable.
Vein Field 03 86~95 116~125 Double Strafe, Arrow Shower Drosera
Drosera uses Close Confine if you get near it. Teleport out, or use Hiding.
Muscipular is level 105, so wait until 90 to hunt it.
Magmaring is level 110, so wait until 95 to hunt it. They loot items off the ground, so if you can, drop items, and Arrow Shower with caution. Otherwise just Double Strafe everything.



Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Magma Dungeon 2 99 115~120 Severe Rainstorm Everything Rideword Hat is very useful. HP/SP items needed because it gets mobby, and you can't wear a shield when casting S.R.
Scaraba Hell 130 150 Severe Rainstorm Antler Scaraba

Rake Scaraba

Requires a chain of quests to enter, specifically Doha's Secret Orders. And wearing Ring of the Ancient Wise King to talk to NPC to enter. You can then remove it.

Recommended to have a tank and/or a mobber; or Secrament to cast S.R. and then flywing.

Mage Classes


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Criatura Academy

Prontera South Field

1 10 Auto Attack Everything Doing all the exp- giving NPC quests will have you running around Izlude, then bring you out to Prontera South Field where you will get the rest of the exp needed to job change. Don't bother with Barrier because the spawn rate of Pupas is very low. Once you're at Job Level 10, head upstairs in the academy and get warped to a spot where you can job change.
Geffen Field 04 6 15 Fire Bolt Mandragoras You can kill Mandragoras with a level 2 or 3 Fire Bolt, and eventually a level 1 Fire Bolt as you level up. These are immobile and give fantastic XP. with a great spawn rate. You can save the stems they drop and sell them to players for decent profit. You could possibly stay here for many levels.
Mt. Mjolnir 09 10 20 Fire Bolt Savage Babe Avoid Ambernites and kill Savage Babes until you think Peco Peco's can be downed in one shot. You should then switch.
Sograt Desert 01 & 02 15 20 Fire Bolt

Cold Bolt

Peco Peco Muka

Only if you can one shot Peco Peco and/or Muka
Payon Forest 04 20 30 Any Bolt Poporings Solo or have a VIT character (preferably a swordsman class) to help keep the poporings away from you. Use Thunderstorm on mobbed poporings if you have it. Poporings are Poison element, so your bolts will all do about the same damage.
Ant Hell 01 25 35 Fire Bolt

Thunder Storm

Everything Use Thunderstorm on the Ant Eggs for quick mass EXP. The familiars here are also very cruel to mages, so be sure to either have lots of healing items, good equips, or be quick with a Firewall!
Morroc Field 03 35 45 Fire Bolt Everything Use any bolt on Argos and Fire Bolt on Wolfs.
Mjolnir Field 08 45 55 Fire Bolt Beetle King


Floras are immobile. Use Fire Bolt on them from a ranged position.
Comodo Field 01 45 55 Fire Bolt Grove


See above. This is two east from Comodo, watch out for the nereid on the way.
Sograt Desert 17 55 Job Change Fire Bolt Hodes


Phen Card HIGHLY recommended for this. Partying with a priest to support and/or tank is highly recommended. Watch out for Phreeoni


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Juno Field 1 or Juno Field 12 63 70 Fire Bolt Geographer Mantis is the only mobile aggressive monster. A good tip is to use firewall on Mantis that chase you, they are extremely fire weak.
Juno Field 11 65 80 Cold Bolt/Fire Bolt Everything
Einbroch Field 9 75 85 Fire Bolt Porcellio


Porcellio is the main focus in this map. Be careful when you attack Metalings, they can divest your weapon and use reflect damage.
Veins Field 7 85 95 Fire Bolt Everything
Veins Field 3 95 99 Storm Gust/Cold Bolt/Fire Bolt Everything Drop an item to get a mob of Magmarings and then cast storm gust

High Wizard



Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Juno Field 1 or Juno Field 12 63 70 Fire Bolt Geographer Mantis is the only mobile aggressive monster. A good tip is to use firewall on Mantis that chase you, they are extremely fire weak.
Juno Field 11 65 80 Cold Bolt/Fire Bolt Everything
Einbroch Field 9 75 85 Fire Bolt Porcellio


Porcellio is the main focus in this map. Be careful when you attack Metalings, they can divest your weapon and use reflect damage.
Veins Field 7 85 95 Fire Bolt Everything It is highly recommended to use Fire Bolt and Fire Wall here as they will be super effective.
Veins Field 3 95 99 Cold Bolt/Fire Bolt Everything Drop an item to get a mob of Magmarings.



Merchant Classes


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Novice Training Grounds 1 10 Auto Attack Everything Not much to say here, smash things until the teleport to a real town becomes available. It is EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED to do the quests the job instructor NPC's give out.
Geffen Field 4 6 20 Auto Attack Mandragora Mandragoras are immobile and this map has an abundance of them. At this level, stems are almost a 100% drop and they can easily be saved up to sell or keep for an Alchemist. Watch out for three or more Mandragoras grown together.
Payon Field 4 20 30 Auto Attack, Mammonite Poporing


If partied with a VIT-based class, (preferably a Swordsman class), use them to tank Poporings. Otherwise, try to find someone willing to keep their attention off of you. Beware of the occasional Ghostring, Angeling and Deviling; all of them spawn after an hour and have above 17,000 health.
Toy Factory 2 30 40 Auto Attack, Mammonite Everything Solo or party with a Priest for support. Myst cases also drop pieces of cake, which sell for a fair price and are also needed for various headgears. Watch out for a single baby Hatii, and the MVP, Stormy Knight.
Geffen Field 10 35 45 Auto Attack, Mammonite Orc Warrior

Orc Lady

Watch out for swarms, its very easily to be taken by suprise. If you have cart revolution by this point, use it for crowd control. A cranial shield (Thara Frog carded) is recommended, but not necessary. Solo or party with a Priest or Acolyte for support. Watch out for the MVP, Orc Hero.
Payon Cave 2 40 50 Auto Attack, Mammonite Archer Skeleton Solo or party with a Priest or Acolyte, monsters are undead here so they will naturally be at home.
Payon Cave 3 50 60 Auto Attack, Mammonite Everything, primarily focus on Bongun and Munak though. Bongun and Munak are the main source of XP. Solo or party with a Priest or Acolyte for support, monsters are undead here so they will naturally be at home. Be careful of mobs which lurk around the dungeon, but especially around the area with water near the middle.
Sograt Desert 17 50 Job Change Auto Attack, Mammonite Hode Party with a Tank (a character built to soak up damage and distract) or a Priest; either complete protection or extra support is needed. Hodes don't change target, if possible have the tank engage first and then attack ONLY AFTER the tank hits the enemy. Watch out for Sandmen and Frilldoras as they will be invisible until they are directly behind you. Also beware of the MVP that spawns every two hours, Phreeoni. Many high-level classes come specifically to hunt Phreeoni though, so usually it isn't a problem at all.
Payon Cave 4 54 Job Change Auto Attack, Mammonite Sohee The Sohee's spawn rate is fantastic, they are not only passive, but also drop very good items. Watch out for several Nine Tails around the map. They run extremely fast, so flywing out of their way immediately.





Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Einbroch Field 8 8 Base Level 99 Homunculus Skills Metaling


Excellent map for leveling with your Homunculus. There are no aggressive monsters on the map, so AFK-leveling is indeed very possible. Your Homunculus is required to have 200+ flee to dodge enough attacks to make it worthwhile.



Swordman Classes


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Payon Field 2 10 15 Bash Boa Boas are plentiful, and they're rather easy to hit; an easy way to get to level 15.
Sograt Desert 1 15 25 Pierce Peco Peco Buy a level 1 Mercenary Scroll and let them use Pierce on the Peco's until you're 25. If you spend some money on Mercenary Blue Potions it's a quick way to get to level 25.
Ant Hell 1 25 40 Brandish Spear Everything With a level 2 Mercenary Scroll, you can take the regular ants, however, without one it might be risky. Ant Eggs are good and easy until level 40, especially if you get a spot without other people trying to do the same.
Geffen Field 3 40 45 Auto Attack, Bash Everything Kill the orcs and level up, but be careful of getting swarmed. It's a pretty easy map assuming 5 orcs don't run at you at once.
Orc Dungeon 1 45 Job change Auto Attack, Bash Everything Kill the orcs and level up, but be careful of getting swarmed. It's a pretty easy map assuming 5 orcs don't run at you at once. A very popluar map, you can stay here until level 50 or even 60.


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Orc Dungeon 2 45 70 Bowling Bash Everything Kill the orcs and level up, but be careful of getting swarmed. It's a pretty easy map assuming you dont have a bunch of orcs swarm you at once. Using level 10 Bowling Bash, mob Orc Skeletons. As loot collects Zenorc's will swarm to pick it up, Bowling Bash them as well. This is great XP even up to level 70; even with a party of 3.
Juno Field 04: El Mes Plateau 70 90 Bowling Bash Harpy Mobbing Harpys is exceptional experience. Be careful however, it's potion-intensive and may be significantly slower if you can't recover SP (solve this with Blue Potions).
Clock Tower B4F 71 91 Brandish Spear, Bowling Bash Bathory Bring a good +10 slotted Pike, SP boots will be really helpful too. Use Endure and gather up a bunch, and either Bowling Bash or Brandish Spear them. Be careful because they have a Holding Web skill which will freeze you in place, the best way to get out of these are to Spear Boomerang the monster who cast it on you, or just use a flywing and come back to finish killing the swarm. Bring an elemental dagger to switch out so you can kill Whispers as they take 0% damage from neutral element weapons. Make sure you have Pierce for the Jokers (they have an extremely high hit-rate). Bring lots of potions and flywings because you will be staying here for a long time. Be wary, Executioner and

Mystellain are easy to outrun, but Ogretooth is fast and each one has an ability to break a piece of your armor.

Magma Dungeon 2: Nogg Road 90 99 Bowling Bash Everything

Lord Knight

Rune Knight


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Juno Field 12: Border Checkpoint 58 73 Magnum Break and Bash Geographer


Geographers and Mantis are the only monsters on this map. With the small map size and decent spawn rate it seems like the best map to kill Geographers on. Use Magnum Break because of its fire-element property if you catch a group of them you can't kill. If you equip a spear you can hit the Geographers without them hitting you. (Click 4 squares from a Geographer to move, then attack. If you just click on them to attack the game will move you one square too close to them)
Glast Heim St. Abbey 70 85 Bash, Magnum Break Wraiths

Evil Druids

Both of them are quite easy to kill but a Priest may be needed to prevent being swarmed. If Dexterity is low, the Mimics will be a bit of an issue to fight combat this by partying here with a Priest who can give you Blessing. Be wary of running from Mimics into larger groups of monsters, its a large map with many nooks and crannies filled with Wraiths and Evil Druids. Disclaimer: This is an EXTREMELY POPULAR map anytime day or night, most people there will be in parties so try your best to make some new friends.
Geffen Field 8 70 80 Bash, Magnum Break Air Petite Gives quite a good amount of XP and loot. Be careful of certain spots which may have a lots of them, engaging more than 3 is not recommended. This is a popular map, try to be polite.
Geffen Field 6 75 85 Bash, Magnum Break Earth Petite Gives good XP and loot also but the occasional poison by a Sidewinder can pose a minor problem. This is a popular map, try to be polite. Also, this map is one portal east of the extremely popular Glast Heim St. Abbey. Use this to your advantage, try to find a party on either one and switch maps if one of the two maps becomes less crowded.
Glast Heim Churchyard 85 90 Bash, Magnum Break Dark Priest To get to this map travel to the Glast Heim St. Abbey, the portals to get here are on that map. Good XP but mediocre loot. Careful of the Dark Lord and Dark Illusion as they are significantly stronger than the other monsters; at around 1,100,000 health. Grand Cross would be really helpful because of the AoE factor. Be wary of the Dark Priest's ability to use the Holy Cross skill, it hits very hard and will almost drop any of the flimsier classes in one cast.


Thief Classes


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Sograt Desert 18 10 15 Auto Attack Scorpion

Baby Desert Wolf

Bring an ice weapon (if possible) and red potions. Keep or sell the Scorpion Tails that drop for use with the Create Elemental Converter.
Prontera Field 2 12 21 Auto Attack, Double Attack Stainer


Bring an earth weapon (if possible) and red potions. Keep or sell Rainbow Shells that drop for use in Create Elemental Converter.
Comodo Field 8

Ant Hell 1

20 33 Auto Attack, Double Attack Deniro

Pierre Andre

A fire weapon is helpful here. Bring red potions along, and avoid groups of multiples of the same monster as they will assist eacher other (Deniro will help other Deniro, but not Pierre or Andre and Pierre will help other Pierre but not Deniro or Andre etc...). Pick up and save all Worm Peelings that you can here. They can be traded in Al De Baran for red potions 1 for 1 at the Merchant (152,63). Located at Sograt Desert 12 then speak to NPC near top left corner (third of the way down the screen).
Payon Forest 4 20 30 Auto Attack, Double Attack Poporing


Kill Poporings until 22 and then Marin become viable to kill for XP without a penalty. Stay here killing Poporing and Marin until level 30. A wind weapon for Marin makes them easier to kill. Potions are always recommended.
Bylan Dungeon 1

Bylan Dungeon 2

30 45 Auto Attack, Double Attack Everything A wind weapon will make all the monsters here easier to kill. Potions are always recommended. Take the Boat from Izlude in the north east corner of town.
Prontera Field 9 43 52 Auto Attack, Double Attack Magnolia


It is advised to bring a wind weapon to do more damage, if you cannot afford one you will still do just fine.
Mt. Mjolnir 12 52 Job Change Auto Attack, Double Attack, Backstab Dustiness

Hunter Fly

It is advised to bring an earth weapon to do more damage. Watch out for Mantis as they are aggressive. If you see them switch to any non-earth weapon to kill them. Stay here until you job change,you can come back here to get easy job levels afterwards.


Assassin Cross

Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Mt. Mjolnir 5 60 70 Auto Attack Argiope


If you followed the Thief guide from above, this map is just one south from Mt. Mjolnir 12. Come here when the XP gets slow at the other map. There are Mantis, Argiope, and Driller on this map; kill everything you see. Occasionally the Argiope will cast a powerful AoE poison spell, this can be dodged completely by taking a few steps away from them before it is cast. In addition they also drop green herbs to cure the poison status.
Louyang Field 70 80 Auto Attack Mi Gao As always, you will need some potions. A weapon enchanted with fire is highly recommended. To get here, take the boat from Alberta.

Guillotine Cross


Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Einbroch Field 08

Einbroch Field 09

66 85 Auto Attack, Double Attack Metaling


These monsters give a decent amount of experience without a massive use of potions. Be slightly careful of Metalings as they can cast Divest Weapon. A player can recover from Divest status by either waiting it out or by logging off to the character select screen and logging back in again. Luckily everything on these maps are passive, and both Metaling and Porcellio loot items. A player can get to Einbroch Field 08 by taking the Airship to Einbroch from Juno and taking the south Einbroch warp. From there, the player can also reach Einbroch Field 09 by going through the warp portal at the east side. Porcellio becomes a better option to hunt on Einbroch Field 09, once the player reaches level 75.
Juno Field 07 73 99 Bowling Bash Harpy Harpies mob easily and with the right Stats, can be killed in 1 Bowling Bash, with an Earth element weapon. Harpies have no skills that can make you lose Bowling Bash.


Shadow Chaser

Expanded Classes



Map Start Level End Level Skills Monsters Notes
Izlude Dungeon Level 5 66 76 Desperado, Trigger Happy Shot All Using Trigger Happy Shot is recommended on the Sword Fish as they have a very strong burst attack. You'll want to kill them way before they can cast anything on you.
Payon Dungeon Level 4 60 70 Auto Attack, Desperado, Trigger Happy Shot All Sohee's give great easy XP because they are passive. But save some SP to use Desperado or Trigger Happy Shot for the occasional Nine Tail. Also be careful on the way there because there are a lot of Munak and Bongun that can swarm you. As for the 3rd floor stay far from Hydra's near the pool while attacking. They don't do alot of damage but its enough to keep you from running while bigger things maul you. This is a very popular map, please be polite while fighting.
Glast Heim St. Abbey 70 85 Auto Attack, Desperado, Trigger Happy Shot All Attack the Mimic's first if you find one because they can deal a ton of damage. It is recommended to farm with a Priest at the earlier levels. If swarming occurs, use Desperado to kill them off.
Glast Heim Churchyard 85 99 Auto Attack, Desperado, Trigger Happy Shot All except Dark Lord. To get here, first go to the Glast Heim St. Abbey and then take the portal down to the second floor. Here a Priest is needed at all times, excellent XP.
Niflheim Field 1: Skellington 90 99 Desperado, Trigger Happy Shot All Really dependent on a Priest here. Very easy to mob monsters as they are all aggressive. Training here can be tried before level 90, but some of the monsters won't give much XP since XP Cap is at level 90.

TaeKwon Kid

TaeKwon Master

Soul Linker