Rune Mastery
Type: |
Passive Skill
Levels: |
Catalyst: |
1 Rough Runestone, 1 Elder Branch, Varies (See table below)
Rune Mastery (Alt: Rune Mastery) is a 3rd class passive skill available as Rune Knight.
Enables Rune Knights to craft special consumable runes used to cast special skills similar to Magic Scrolls. Higher skill levels increase success rate, craftable runes, the maximum number of runes able to be gained from a single ore and the activation chance (see below). The higher grade of Runestone used, the higher the chance of success.
Level |
Base Success Rate
Success Rate: [Base_Success_Rate + (DEX ÷ 30 + LUK ÷ 10 + JobLv ÷ 10) + Runestone_Bonus - Rune_Rank]%
Rune Crafting
- To craft a rune, double click on the Rough Runestone, select the rune you wish to craft from the list, then click okay. You do not need to drag the materials to the creation prompt.
Rough Runestone Bonuses
Runestone Grade |
Success Rate
Rune Ranks
Rank |
Success Rate
- The Rank for Lux Anima is unknown.
Rune Materials
- Level 1~4 allows to produce 1 Runestone.
- Level 5~9 allows to produce up to 2 Runestones.
- Level 10 allows to produce up to 3 Runestones.
- General Rough Runestone and Quality Rough Runestone can be bought from Rune Seller
(prontera 168, 228)
- Some materials can be gotten from Merry Badger Weekly Special.
- Up to 20 of each kind of rune can be in the inventory at once.
- If a successful creation would leave over 20 runes in the inventory, the creation will not progress. If this happens, a Rough Runestone will still be consumed, but no other ingredients will. For instance, if 3 Asir Runestones are created while having 19 Runestones of the same type, the creation will not progress, but a Rough Runestone will still be consumed; if 1 Asir Runestone is created while having 19 Runestones of the same type, the creation will proceed as usual.
Rune Skills
Skills in dark green are Active while dark red are Offensive.
Note that the in-game descriptions for some of the runes are incorrect.
Giant Growth
- Alt: Giant Growth
- Rune: Turisus.
- Effect: Temporarily boosts STR by 30. There is a 15% chance to increase the damage of the next regular hit by 300%. There is also a 0.1% chance to break the user's weapon while attacking.
- Target: Self.
- Fixed Cast Time: 1 second.
- Duration: 3 minutes.
- Alt: Vitality Activation
- Rune: Isia.
- Effect: Temporarily increases effectiveness of all incoming healing effects by 50% and decreases effectiveness of SP recovery potions by 50%. Disables SP Recovery for the duration of the skill.
- Target: Self.
- Duration: 3 minutes.
Storm Blast
- Alt: Storm Blast
- Rune: Pertz.
- Effect: Strikes a single target with an exploding blow to inflict physical damage to all enemies around it.
- Target: Enemy.
- Damage (ATK):
[RuneMastery_Lv + (INT ÷ 8) × 100]%
- Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds.
- Cast Delay: 1 second.
- Area of Effect: 7x7.
- Knock Back: ? cells.
- Enhanced by Hero Plate [1] - Increases damage by 10%
- Bestowed by Peuz's Set - Autocast on enemy when physically attacking
Skin of Stone
- Alt: Stonehard Skin
- Rune: Hagalas.
- Effect: Hardens the user's skin to increase DEF and MDEF temporarily. Due to user's hardened skin, there is a 30% chance to break the weapon of the attacker, or to reduce its ATK by 25% for 10 seconds if the attacker is a monster.
- Target: Self.
- DEF and MDEF Boost:
(JobLv × RuneMastery_Lv) ÷ 4
- HP Cost: 20%
- Fixed Cast Time: 2 seconds.
- Duration: 3 minutes; Until Stoneskin's HP reaches zero.
- Alt: Fighting Spirit
- Rune: Asir.
- Effect: Temporarily increases ATK by 7 per party member. Party members receive 25% of the ATK bonus. It also increases ASPD.
- Target: Self.
- ASPD Boost:
4 × (100 − Equip_ASPD)%
- Duration: 3 minutes.
- Notes: This rune doesn't stack; the party member effect will remove the user's and vice-versa if there are multiple Rune Knights in the party. The ASPD boost is absolute, not relative. The higher the user's total Equip ASPD% is, the lower the boost. For example: 24% of increased Equip ASPD will make this rune increases ASPD by 3, but if there is a 40% of increased Equip ASPD, this rune will only grant 2 ASPD.
- Alt: Abundance
- Rune: Urj.
- Effect: Regenerates 60 SP every 10 seconds.
- Target: Self.
- Duration: 3 minutes.
Crushing Strike
- Alt: Crush Strike
- Rune: Rhydo.
- Effect: Builds immense strength and strikes a single target with a crushing blow to inflict physical damage. There is a 20% chance of breaking the user's weapon.
- Target: Enemy.
- Damage (ATK):
[{Weapon_Lv × (Weapon_Upgrade + 6) × 100} + (Weapon_ATK) + (Weapon_Weight)]%
- Fixed Cast Time: 1 second.
- Cooldown: 30 seconds.
- NOTE: Using any indestructible weapons with this skill will not break.
- Alt: Refresh
- Rune: Nosiege.
- Effect: Cures and prevents the following Status Effects temporarily: Stun, Sleep, Curse, Petrification, Poison, Blind, Silence, Bleeding, Chaos, Frozen, Deep Sleep, Burning, Freezing, Crystallization, Marsh of Abyss and Howling of Mandragora. May be used even while Stunned, Frozen, or in Deep Sleep.
- Target: Self.
- Fixed Cast Time: 1 second.
- Cooldown: 2 minutes.
- Duration: 1 minute.
Millenium Shield
- Alt: Millennium Shield
- Rune: Verkana.
- Effect: Produces 2 to 4 magic shields which have 1,000 HP and the user's DEF and MDEF. Any excess damage from a single instance will be blocked completely, giving the user 2 to 4 chances against mortal hits.
- Target: Self.
- Shields summoned:
- 2 shields (50% chance)
- 3 shields (30% chance)
- 4 shields (20% chance)
- Cast Delay: 1 second.
- Cooldown: 1 minute.
- Duration: 3 minutes.
- Notes: Has higher damage priority than Guard and Parry but lower than Kyrie Eleison.
Lux Anima
- Rune: Lux Anima.
- Effect: Transfers the current active runic buff to all party members around the user.
- Target: Self.
- Duration: 1 minute.
- Area of Effect: 7x7.
- Notes: This can be re-used to transfer more runic buffs in the order that they were received by the user. Eligible buffs are the following: Giant Growth, Vitality, Skin of Stone, Refresh and Millenium Shield.
Activation Chance
Rune skills have an activation chance that is based on the skill level of Rune Mastery, DEX and LUK. An activation failure is rarely observed in practice, as typical success rates are around 98~100%, and most failures result in no visible effect.
Success Rate: [85 + Skill_Lv + (DEX + LUK) ÷ 20]%
When a rune skill fails, the following will happen:
Effect |
Chance |
80% |
Status Effect
10% |
Inflicts oneself with one of the following Status Effects: Blind, Silence, Sleep, Poison, Stun, and Frozen.
3% |
Rune explodes, inflicting (Rune_Weight × 1000) magic damage to self.
3% |
Restores (Rune_Weight × 1000) HP.
2% |
Teleports to another location on the map.
Full Recovery
1% |
Fully restores HP and SP.
Mass Resurrection
1% |
Resurrects all dead party members.