Parcel Service

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Parcel Service
Base Level: 50
Item(s) (Consumed): 20 Fish Tail or 25 Mud Lump or 15 Well-baked Cookie
Base Experience: 100,000 (Non-VIP)
150,000 (VIP)
Job Experience: 100,000 (Non-VIP)
150,000 (VIP)

1. Talk with Clarissa Lurk ("Parcel service representative") in Prontera

and then ask for work. She asks you to deliver a parcel for a customer.

2. Go to where the customer is located and then talk with him or her. The customer will ask you to collect certain items.

3. Once you have collected the items, talk with the customer again. He or she will ask you to deliver the items to their recipient.

4. Go to where the recipient is located and then talk with him or her.

Delivery jobs
Customer Recipient Items Reward
Name Location Name Location
Ishmael Izlude
Jiro Amatsu
20 Fish Tail 5 Sushi
Victoria Qwest Comodo
B-Rick N Morta Morroc
25 Mud Lump
Ice Cold Austin Lutie
Sulk Logan Veins
15 Well-baked Cookie ?
RIPete Nifflheim
A. M. Live Izlude
1 Slippers ?

5. Go to the Eden Group Headquarters kitchen and then talk with Dally Quen


Dally Quen

Dally Quen