Sunken Ship Memorial Dungeon

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Sunken Ship Memorial Dungeon
Base Level: 99
Party: 1+ Members
Item(s): Shimmering Crystal, Jello Fragment Box, Sea Sapphire, Crimson Crystal, Azure Crystal, Bloody Ruby, Ores

General Info

Dimensional portal.png
Dimensional Portal Location.png

The Sunken Ship Memorial Dungeon instance is located on the map one east of Prontera at

. Speak with the Memorial Association NPC while in a party to start the instance. Once the Memorial Association NPC starts the instance, you can talk to the Dimensional Portal next to her to actually enter the instance.

Memorial association.png

  • You must be base 99.
  • You can only do it once a day.
  • You have 1 hour to complete the instance.
  • There are two modes to the instance, Easy Mode & Hard Mode. Different rewards are given depending on the mode, and the monsters are more difficult in Hard Mode.
  • After completing the instance, every player in the party can click the Treasure Chest to receive their rewards.
  • If there are multiple characters from one Master Account in the instance, only one of them can claim the rewards.
  • After completing a Hard Mode MD, each player can individually choose if they would like to receive Easy or Hard Mode rewards.
  • If players disconnect or crash while in a Memorial Dungeon instance, they will be warped back to the instance as soon as they are logged in. However, this won't happen if the player waits for more than 3 minutes or the player was dead on disconnect/crash. If a player dies and respawns they will not be able to re-enter the instance.

The boss, Stormy Drake, increases its power depending on the surrounding conditions in the dungeon. To clear the dungeon smoothly, you must proceed with caution so that Drake doesn't get buffed. When the Sunken Ship is cleared, there's a chance that a Stormy Mimic will be summoned. When defeated, you'll get an extra rewards chest.


Instance Rewards

For more information about the uses for Shimmering Crystal, Azure Crystal, Crimson Crystal, Jello Shards, Bloody Ruby, and Mythril Ore see our Memorial Dungeon Equipment page.

Easy Mode

Item Item Quantity Range
25424.png Shimmering Crystal 4 ~ 10
25476.png Crimson Crystal 2 ~ 8
25475.png Azure Crystal 2 ~ 8
23649.png Jello Shard Box 0 ~ 1
25429.png Mythril Ore 1 ~ 2
757.png Rough Elunium 0 ~ 4
756.png Rough Oridecon 0 ~ 4
985.png Elunium 1 ~ 2
984.png Oridecon 1 ~ 2
992.png Wind of Verdure 0 ~ 2
990.png Red Blood 0 ~ 2
991.png Crystal Blue 0 ~ 2
993.png Green Live 0 ~ 2

Hard Mode

Item Item Quantity Range
25424.png Shimmering Crystal 6 ~ 16
25460.png Bloody Ruby 1 ~ 6
25429.png Mythril Ore 1 ~ 4
757.png Rough Elunium 0 ~ 4
756.png Rough Oridecon 0 ~ 4
985.png Elunium 1 ~ 2
984.png Oridecon 1 ~ 2
25476.png Crimson Crystal 1 ~ 3
25475.png Azure Crystal 1 ~ 3