Gloria Domini

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Gloria Domini.png Gloria Domini
Gloria Domini Info.gif
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5, selectable
SP Cost: 25 + (Skill Level × 5)
Cast Time: 1.4 seconds
Cast Delay: 0.3 seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
(Swordman) Endure Lv. 5, (Crusader) Faith Lv. 5, Smite Lv. 2

Gloria Domini (Alt: Pressure) is a Transcendent 2nd class offensive skill available as Paladin.


Calls forth a massive crucifix to crush a single target, hitting the amount of skill level for holy damage and reducing the target holy resistance by 20% for 5 seconds. Damage is additionally increased by base level.

Level Damage Fixed Cast Time Variable Cast Time
1 MATK 850% 0.4s 1s
2 MATK 1,000% 0.4s 1s
3 MATK 1,150% 0.4s 1s
4 MATK 1,300% 0.4s 1s
5 MATK 1,450% 0.4s 1s