Solar, Lunar and Stellar Union

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Solar, Lunar and Stellar Union.png Solar, Lunar and Stellar Union
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Union Info.gif
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 1
SP Cost: 100
Duration: 10 minutes;
Until recast
Target: Self
(TaeKwon Master) Solar, Lunar and Stellar Courier Lv. 9

Solar, Lunar and Stellar Union (Alt: Union of the Sun, Moon and Stars) is an Expanded class active skill available as TaeKwon Master. This skill can only be used when the player is linked to the Taekwon Master Spirit.


Unifies the user's spirit with the cosmic alignments to awaken their hidden potential temporarily, wearing the soul link off and bestowing the player with several effects. Using this skill again will cancel its effects.

Positive effects

  • Increases Movement Speed greatly by flying off the ground.
  • Attacks will ignore the accuracy check and will pierce defense.

Negative effects

  • Drains HP for every attack. 2% against monsters, 8% against players.
  • Attacking at 20% of Max HP or less will instantly kill the player.
  • Vision decreases further.


  • If several attacks are processed simultaneously while the user is at 20% of their Max HP or less, the player will die several times simultaneously, losing further experience for each death. As such, be careful when using skills with splash damage (such as Magnum Break).