Independence Day Event 2014

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Independence Day Event 2014
Base Level: 70
Item(s) (Consumed): 12018.png 300 Firecracker

7201.png 10 Log
529.png 10 Candy
932.png Varies Skel-Bone
970.png 1 Alcohol

Item(s) (Not Consumed): 580.png 20 Bread

514.png 5 Grape

Hunting: 30 Megalodon
Base Experience: 1,000,000 (Non-VIP)
1,500,000 (VIP)
Job Experience: 1,000,000 (Non-VIP)
1,500,000 (VIP)
Item(s): 608.png 10 Yggdrasil Seed

Community Created Headgears Box

Mrs. Brando

  1. Speak to Mrs. Brando in Comodo and she will ask that you bring her 10 7201.png Log.
  2. Return with the logs and you will receive 1 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.

Mr Brando

  1. Head to Comodo and speak to Mr. Brando . He will ask you to bring him 12018.png 300 Firecracker (250 first time you talk to him and 50 when you return with the 250).
    • Note: Firecrackers can be purchased inside Hugel's Party Supplies Shop (/navi hugel 94/103).
  2. Bring the firecrackers back to Mr. Brando and he will give you 1 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.

Auntie Elmirah

  1. In Comodo talk to Auntie Elmirah and she will ask you to hunt 30 Megalodons.
  2. Return to Auntie Elmirah after killing the megalodons and you will receive 1 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.


  1. Speak to Kipp in Comodo and he will challenge you to a race around the Comodo mountain. Speak to him again and accept the race.
  2. You will need to pass by 3 check points and return to Kipp in a reasonable time. If you return to him too fast he will accuse you of cheating, return too slow and you will lose the race. You do not need to speak to the Check Points, just walk past them.
  3. Check Point 1 (/navi comodo 228/273) CheckPoint1.png
    Check Point 2 (/navi comodo 224/207)CheckPoint2.png
    Check Point 3 (/navi comodo 111/196) CheckPoint3.png
  4. Return to Kipp and if you win the race you will receive 1 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.

Grandma Vira

  1. In Comodo speak to Grandma Vira . She will request you bring her 20 580.png Bread and 5 514.png Grape.
  2. Return to Grandma Vira with the items she requested and she will give you 1 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.
    • Note: Currently, upon completion of the quest she will not take the bread and grapes from you.

Grandpa Winston

  1. Talk to Grandpa Winston in Comodo (/navi comodo 168/318) and he will ask that you recover his missing teeth from the Comodo Casino.
  2. Enter the Comodo Casino located at (/navi comodo 140/111) and head upstairs.
  3. Look Underneath The Table located at (/navi cmd_in02 58/40) and you will receive Winston's dentures.
  4. Return to Grandpa Winston and you will receive 1 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.


  1. Talk to the dog Fido located in Comodo and you will suggest bringing him 932.png Skel-Bone. The amount of bones you will need varies.
  2. Speak to Fido until you receive a 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.

Brando Jr.

  1. Speak to Brando Jr. in Comodo and he will ask you to bring him 10 529.png Candy.
  2. Return to him with the candies and he will give you 1 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.

Uncle Fitzgerald

  1. Talk to Uncle Fitzgerald in Comodo and he will want you to bring him 1 970.png Alcohol.
  2. Speak to him again with the Alcohol and you will receive 1 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.


  1. Speak to Cherice in Comodo (/navi comodo 173/309) and she tell you about a book she is after.
  2. Head inside the Juno Library located at (/navi yuno 342/203).
  3. Speak to the Librarian beside the entrance of the library (/navi yuno_in04 36/58) and he will direct you to the location of the book.
  4. Head past him into the hallway and go into the room to the left. The The Poetic Edda is located above one of the bookshelves (/navi yuno_in04 115/99)
  5. Return to Cherice with the book and you will receive 1 608.png Yggdrasil Seed.


  1. After completing all 10 requests, return to Mrs. Brando in Comodo and you will receive 1,000,000 Base EXP and Job EXP, 1,500,000 for VIP and Community Created Headgears Box.

Contents of box 1 of the following:

18791.png Shrine Maiden's Hat [1]
18794.png Ordinary Black Magician Hat [1]
18795.png Night Sparrow Hat [1]
18793.png Magician's Night Cap [1]
5897.png Ascendant Crown [1]
5898.png Autumn Headband [1]
5899.png Black Ribbon [1]
5900.png Divine Guard Hat [1]
5901.png Focus Beret [1]
5902.png Harvester Hat [1]
5903.png Dead Man Bandana [1]
5904.png Very Normal Hat [1]
5905.png Lyrica Hat [1]
5906.png Oni Horns [1]
5907.png Sea Captain Hat [1]
19600.png Costume: Drooping Kiehl Doll
19601.png Costume: Drooping Aliot Doll