Stahl Horn

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Stahl Horn.png Stahl Horn
No Image Info.gif
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 35 + (Skill Level × 5)
Fixed Cast Time: (Skill Level × 0.2) seconds
Variable Cast Time: 1 − (Skill Level × 0.2) seconds
Cast Delay: ?
Cooldown: ?
Target: Enemy
Range: 5 ~ 9 cells
Knock Back: 3 cells
Property: Neutral
Status: Stun
Status Icon: I Stun.png
(Bayeri) Lv. 105

Stahl Horn (Alt: Stahl Horn) is a Homunculus S exclusive offensive skill available to Bayeri.


Charges at a single target, dealing damage, pushing it 3 cells backwards and stunning it by chance. If there is an obstacle between the target and Bayeri (terrain, another player etc.), the skill will be interrupted. This skill deals Holy property damage instead Neutral if Goldene Ferse is active.

Level Damage (ATK) Range Stun Chance Cast Time (Fix + Var) SP Cost
1 600% 5 cells 20% (0.2 + 0.8)s 40
2 700% 6 cells 24% (0.4 + 0.6)s 45
3 800% 7 cells 28% (0.6 + 0.4)s 50
4 900% 8 cells 32% (0.8 + 0.2)s 55
5 1,000% 9 cells 36% (1.0 + 0.0)s 60


  • Stahl Horn is German for "Steel Horn".