Cat Gamers

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Cat Gamers
Base Level: Level 60
Item(s): 23525.png 10 Sea God Crystal
Quest Reward(s): unlocks Cat Gamer Support Daily Quest
  1. Speak with the Cat Leader at and apply for the Cat Gamers training.
    Cat leader.png
  2. You will be directed to Sechi at the lower floor. He will tell you about the different games: Rock Paper Scissors, KongNyangKong, ChamChamCham and the Flag Game. He can explain to you the rules of all the 4 games specified. You will be directed to Manager Cat.
  3. Go back up 2 floors to find Manager Cat, you will be redirected to Cat Leader. (The Daily Quest Cat Gamer Support is unlocked at this point)
    Cat manager.png
  4. Talk to Cat Leader then he will ask you to talk to the retired gamers Ser, Paa, Row, Devon, and Lips about the Director. Ser, Paa, and Row are just beside him, while Devon and Lips are on the floor above.
    Cat row paa.png Row and Paa.
    Cat ser.png Ser
    Cat devon.png Devon
    Cat lips.png Lips
  5. After talking to all of them return to the Cat Leader to tell him of their stories of the Director, and after the dialogues he will reward you with 23525.png 3 Sea God Crystal. He decides to fire the Director, and off you go to tell him the bad news.
  6. Find the Director Cat at and fire him as Director of the Cat Gamers, he will change to Unemployed Cat after telling him the bad news.
    Cat director.png Director Cat
  7. Return to the Cat Leader and he will reward you with 23525.png 7 Sea God Crystal.