Cat Gamer Support

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Cat Gamer Support
Base Level: Level 60
Hunting: Varies depending on Task Chosen
Quest Prerequisite(s): Cat Gamers
Base Experience: 16500
Job Experience: 3400
Item(s): 23525.png 2 Sea God Crystal
  1. Talk to Manager Cat at and pick from a series of tasks. Rewards are based on the task chosen. (Note: You can only do 1 task each day)
    Cat manager.png
  2. List of tasks that can be done:
Quest Task
Fresh Meal Service I Hunt 10 Phen
Nutritional Support I Hunt 10 Marse
Dexterity Training I Hunt 10 Cramp
Digestible Snack I Hunt 10 Picky (Eggshell)
Fresh Meal Service II Hunt 10 Swordfish
Nutritional Support II Hunt 10 Hydra
Dexterity Training II Hunt 10 Kukre
Digestible Snack II Hunt 10 Picky

3. Talk to the Manager Cat after completing the kills and receive your reward of 23525.png 2 Sea God Crystal and some Experience.