Royal Mausoleum Access Quest

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Royal Mausoleum Access Quest
Base Level: 70
Item(s) (Consumed): 7268.png 1 Little Ghost Doll
Base Experience: 214,480
Item(s): 12323.png 20 Novice Fly Wing

23606.png 2 Power Drink

Quest Reward(s): • Access to Expedition Team Daily Hunts
• Kill 30 Jing Guai
• Kill 30 Civil Servant / Mao Guai
This is known as Louyang: Royal Tomb Entrance in game.
  1. You will want to first navigate to Lou Yang via the Boat in Alberta at .
  2. Louyang Ambassador.PNG Note: This will cost 10,000 Zeny. You must also be base 70 to go to Louyang.
  3. Once in Louyang Navigate to Royal Tomb Soldier where he will explain that you need to register for the guard. .
  4. Royal Tomb Soldier.png
  5. To Sign up for the Guard go meet Zhou Wei (Expedition Staff) located .
  6. Louyang Expedition Staff.png
  7. Once you sign up, you will be asked to meet with a partner named Zhao Xian, he is located at the second floor of the inn at
  8. Louyang Bar.png :: Zhao Xian.png
  9. Zhao Xian will ask you to get a check up with the Doctor. He is located at the Hospital
  10. Louyang Tomb Quest Doctor.PNG :: Louyang Hospital.png
  11. He will give you a basic checkup and send you to meet with the Royal Tomb Soldier again. .
  12. • The soldier will ask you to hunt 10 Jing Guai and bring back 7268.png 1 Little Ghost Doll.
    • You will also be asked to find the entrance that the robbers used.
    Royal Tomb Robbery Traces.png
  13. Once you are complete return to the Soldier again and he will ask you to go report back at Zhou Wei (Expedition Staff) located .
  14. • You will receive 61,280 base experience and
    12323.png 20 Novice Fly Wing
  15. Once you turn in the quest at the Expedition Staff you will recieve the rewards below.
  16. • You will receive 153,200 base experience and
    23606.png 2 Power Drink
    • Access to Expedition Team Daily Hunts
    • Kill 30 Jing Guai
    • Kill 30 Civil Servant / Mao Guai