The Traveling Weightlifter Steve
Steve the Traveling Weightlifter has appeared in Prontera.
He has big dreams to become the greatest weightlifter in the world!
That's why he is travelling the lands to learn different techniques that make people stronger.
And if you help him understand the area better, he might share some of those techniques with you to make you stronger as well.
As you get stronger, you will be able to carry more items.
- The Gym Pass is character bound, so you cannot complete this on multiple characters to trade it over.
- The Prontera Chapter will be the pre-requisite quest before doing the other chapters. They can be done in any order after the Prontera chapter is accomplished.
Prontera Chapter - The Traveling Weightlifter: Initiation
1. Go to Prontera prt_in16916 and talk to the Traveling Weightlifter NPC Steve.
2. He will ask you to gather a set of materials in exchange for the First Gym Pass.
3. Talk to him again after you have gathered the items he asked for and he will give you a
Gym Pass.
4. Talk to him again to bestow the item's effect on you.
Glastheim Chapter - The Traveling Weightlifter: Glastheim
1. Go to Glastheim glast_0144363 and talk to the Traveling Weightlifter NPC Steve.
2. He will ask you to gather a set of materials in exchange for another Gym Pass.
3. Talk to him again after you have gathered the items he asked for and he will give you a
Gym Pass.
4. Return to Prontera prt_in16916 and talk to Steve to bestow the item's effect on you.
Louyang Chapter - The Traveling Weightlifter: Louyang
1. Go to Louyang louyang275126 and talk to the Traveling Weightlifter NPC Steve.
2. He will ask you to gather a set of materials in exchange for another Gym Pass.
3. Talk to him again after you have gathered the items he asked for and he will give you a
Gym Pass.
4. Return to Prontera prt_in16916 and talk to Steve to bestow the item's effect on you.
Amatsu Chapter - The Traveling Weightlifter: Amatsu
1. Go to Amatsu ama_in01180131 and talk to the Traveling Weightlifter NPC Steve.
2. He will ask you to gather a set of materials in exchange for another Gym Pass.
3. Talk to him again after you have gathered the items he asked for and he will give you a
Gym Pass.
4. Return to Prontera prt_in16916 and talk to Steve to bestow the item's effect on you.
Juno Chapter - The Traveling Weightlifter: Juno
1. Go to Juno yuno115319 and talk to the Traveling Weightlifter NPC Steve.
2. He will ask you to gather a set of materials in exchange for another Gym Pass.
3. Talk to him again after you have gathered the items he asked for and he will give you a
Gym Pass.
4. Return to Prontera prt_in16916 and talk to Steve to bestow the item's effect on you.
Malangdo Chapter - The Traveling Weightlifter: Malangdo
1. Go to Malangdo malangdo135118 and talk to the Traveling Weightlifter NPC Steve.
2. He will ask you to gather a set of materials in exchange for another Gym Pass.
3. Talk to him again after you have gathered the items he asked for and he will give you a
Gym Pass.
4. Return to Prontera prt_in16916 and talk to Steve to bestow the item's effect on you.
Hugel Chapter - The Traveling Weightlifter: Hugel
1. Go to Hugel hugel192101 and talk to the Traveling Weightlifter NPC Steve.
2. He will ask you to gather a set of materials in exchange for another Gym Pass.
3. Talk to him again after you have gathered the items he asked for and he will give you a
Gym Pass.
4. Return to Prontera prt_in16916 and talk to Steve to bestow the item's effect on you.